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Use this message board to ask questions about what an item is worth, find out about its history, or see if someone else knows something about a specific item.
Exchange messages with other users about virtually any other topic of interest. Please - no Want Ads, For Sale Ads, auction site support questions, whining, or griping. Be nice.
Load types, reloading, sport shooting oriented discussions.
This forum is dedicated to Karl Woerner, aka Perry Shooter, member of the President's 100.
GB Holdings, Inc. / cannot verify and is not responsible for the accuracy of any data posted! Always use caution and verify reloading data.1 discussion 1 comment Most recent: widget: Competition Shooting and Reloading Category by ForumsAdminStaging 2019 09 -
Want to share your views about victories and losses in the battle to preserve our 2nd Amendment Rights? This is the place...
Views about politics; And anything else YOU believe to be Politically motivated. If you are, or know of a pro-gun politician, this is the place to post that info. If you are looking for an unmoderated free-for-all you will not be at home here.
Please DO NOT FEED the TROLLS, and read the posting guidlines at the top of this page before you post. They will be enforced. -
Sit back, throw a line in the water and relax. We're here to discuss anything fishing related.
Use this message board to post your Want Ads. 'For Sale' and 'For Trade' ads are prohibited and will be deleted. If you have something to sell visit